Camping UK

Camping is huge in the United Kingdom. From Wales to Scotland to England to Northern Ireland–everyone is united and loving it.  Much of the fun of camping UK is caravaning camping, but there is much more to do.  With breathtaking scenery and more campsites than you can imagine, camping UK won’t leave any true-blue camper disappointed. But before you take off for a night under the stars (or in a caravan under the stars) do some research.  Here at, we wanted to give you a head start.  Here are some great websites to help you along your camping adventures. . .
  • John Hennessy–When you first visit this site, you will notice the beautiful pictures.  And there are plenty of them.  Just check out the photo gallery or one of the many blog posts to have a look at what you are in-store for or reminisce over where you have already been. You will also find travel writings from John who loves hiking and cycling across Britian, Ireland, and the Isle of Man.  It is certain that you will be inspired by this blog and it won’t be long before you are walking through such beauty yourself. Also be sure to have a look through the site’s wealth of resources, featured topics, featured places, featured trials, featured activities, and outdoor media musings.
  • The Camping and Caravanning Club–Visit this friendly club’s website for the best information on camping UK, international travel, insurance, and advice for those new to caravaning camping. Get even more if you become a member.  The site offers fabulous pictures and tips. Just take some time to browse and you will find information of topics that will be invaluable to you.  This site is sure to become a great resource for you and all your camping UK adventures.  To add some faces to the names and an extra personal touch, read the History of the club post.
  • v-g Backpacking in Britain–This website has breathtaking pictures–you will find yourself continuously coming back for more! But the pictures aren’t even the half of it, you will also get to read detailed posts of adventures in hiking and camping. This site is a great resource-bookmark it! It will be hard to stay inside looking at your computer once you see the brilliant pics and read the articles that make you nearly feel like you are there yourself.  Are you also interested in wild camping UK? Well, these adventurers address the issue here, and you will want to take the time to educate yourself.  There is so much info here that you will never want to leave this site. . .except to get outdoors! Enjoy.
  • UK Campsite–Find campsites for camping UK here.  Find all the information you will need for your next trip.  See what each campsite has to offer and take a look at maps to help you along the way.  Also, read helpful customer reviews of such camping gear as tents. Without a doubt, take the time to read the message  forums.  Join in on the discussion while you are at it. You will find threads on caravaning camping and so much more (including a discussion on dry ice that was, believe it or not, pretty captivating).

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